Ubuntu Upgrade – How to Perform a Silent or Unattended Release Upgrade


How do I upgrade to a new Ubuntu version without having to react to prompts?

I'm on 12.04 now and would like to install 12.10. When I start the update, it usually downloads stuff, then asks a question, installs a bit, asks a question, etc.. I leave it overnight and sometimes find that it made almost no progress updating. I'd like to just kick of the process, go away and have it finished after a couple of hours. I'm fine with it automatically updating configuration files in /etc and so on. So how to start an unattended upgrade?

Best Answer

The following command upgrades to the new stable release without prompts:

do-release-upgrade -f DistUpgradeViewNonInteractive

The following command upgrades to the current development release without prompts:

do-release-upgrade -d -f DistUpgradeViewNonInteractive

I haven't tested it, but it seems it just performs the default action when a question arises. It also times out any scripts if they hang for too long.

You might have to do use dpkg-reconfigure afterwards if you are unhappy with the configuration of certain packages, but most of the time you should be ok.

Source: http://awaseroot.wordpress.com/2012/04/29/ubuntu-release-upgrade-fully-automatic-non-interactive-upgrade/ . In the link there are also other ways to do this.

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