Ubuntu – change the word ubuntu from the plymouth default theme


I have seen that plymouth themes in different distros are the same they just put a logo or a word..so if I want to put whatever I want…can somebody tell me with what program or editing what file?

Best Answer

If you are happy with the rest of the theme, you can just replace the logo. In a terminal do the following:

  1. backup the old logo

    sudo cp /lib/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-logo/ubuntu_logo.{png,back}
  2. put a copy of the logo on your desktop

    cp /lib/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-logo/ubuntu_logo.png ~/Desktop
  3. now edit the logo the way you want

    gimp ~/Desktop/ubuntu_logo.png
  4. copy back your logo

    sudo mv ~/Desktop/ubuntu_logo.png /lib/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-logo/
  5. update the system to use your logo

    sudo update-initramfs -c -k all

To restore the old logo, simply do:

  1. restore old logo

    sudo cp /lib/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-logo/ubuntu_logo.{back,png}
  2. update the system to use the old logo

    sudo update-initramfs -c -k all

To test the theme without rebooting, you can run the following within a GNOME session to see a multi-window setup running your theme:

sudo plymouthd ; sudo plymouth --show-splash ; sleep 10 ; sudo plymouth --quit
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