Ubuntu – Can a Windows virus transfer to Ubuntu


Before I removed Windows 7 from my computer and replaced it with Ubuntu, I had over 257 threats that never would go away. I don't know if the trojan horse I had also could transfer over to Ubuntu. Can my computer be infected? I'm trying to be very careful when I use my computer, because I don't want to get a new computer.

I've only had Windows 7 and my PC, for only a few years. First, I took it to Best Buy and they said a trojan horse is supposed to be on the computer. The man only "looked" at it and since he put it in factory settings, it hid and stole my PC twice in a row. Then, I took it somewhere to someone I know and they re-built it. But it had tons of issues again.

My anti-virus and my programs and other files were disappearing right before my eyes. My Wi-Fi was turned off, and I couldn’t turn it back on. It even shut down by itself. And it never did that before.

Will my infections from Windows 7 transfer over to Ubuntu? Just remember I don't have windows 7 any more, I only have Ubuntu.

Best Answer

There are a few parts to the answer to your problem:

Threats don't transfer from one OS to another

Threats that work on Windows usually don't work on other OS (there might be some that do, but I have never heard of any) because they both work very differently. That way, a virus that looks for your C:\Windows\System32 folder on windows won't find it on Ubuntu as it doesn't exist.

Threats don't survive a total wipe of your hard drive

If you erase your hard drive and install a fresh Windows on top, any existing threats would have disappeared, as they are just regular programs. I don't know if best buy employees did a simple rollback to factory settings or a full re-install of windows, but in the case of the re-install, you shouldn't have had any remaining problem.

As a conclusion, no, your viruses won't transfer to Ubuntu. However, your problem might be related to hardware problems. If you still have issues with your Ubuntu, you might want to ask support to look at your hard drive and motherboard and see if there is any problem there.

Note: If you still have viruses after a 1st Windows re-install, you should seriously check if websites you visit regularly are not infected or install a better protection software.

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