Ubuntu – Brightness Buttons not working in 18.04


Recently installed Ubuntu 18.04 after the automatic upgrade from 17.10 failed, resulting in my inability to turn on the system normally. After installing the OS the brightness controls on my laptop has stopped working. There are no brightness controls in the settings either in the new OS either. How can I get it to work?

Best Answer

If you are referring to the keys to change brightness up and down (in my laptop it is Fn+F11/F12):

I am running Xubuntu 18.04 and have struggled with the impossibility to control brightness using the Fn+F11/F12 keys since I installed it...

I just found out an option in the Power Management section, "Handle display brightness keys", which by default came deactivated. I just turned it on and the Fn+F11/F12 keys work as expected.

Perhaps there is a similar option in the Power Management section for Ubuntu vanilla and other flavors.