Ubuntu – Booting to Linux leads to empty screen and blinking underscore


I'm dual booting Linux with Windows 10, and after the "Creator's Update" for Win10 my Linux installation stopped booting correctly. It opened to the Grub prompt, and from there I could direct it to the right directory and boot manually.

While trying to fix the problem, I made it worse. I ran some commands to attempt to update Grub and reinstall it.

Now I can't boot to Linux or access the grub prompt; when I boot to Linux, it leads me to an empty black screen with nothing but a flashing underscore. I can't input anything, except Ctrl Alt Del to restart. If I hold down shift while it's booting up, instead of just a flashing underscore, it says GRUB and a flashing underscore. It still doesn't let me input any commands.

Does anyone have any idea what the problem might be, and how I can fix it?

Best Answer

you can fix it by booting with a live CD. Then mount the partition that contains your ubuntu installation somewhere, then chroot into it and edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg to correct the menu entry.

So, once you've booted the live CD version (you can boot from an USB drive also) do the following:

  • ls /dev - see all sdx drives you got there
  • mount /dev/sdx /mnt/ - where sdx is the partition containing your ubuntu root filesystem
  • mount --bind /proc /mnt
  • mount --bind /dev /mnt
  • mount --bind /sys /mnt
  • chroot /mnt
  • apt-get install --reinstall grub
  • vi /boot/grub/grub.cfg - edit the menuentry section to fix your boot

hope this helps

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