Ubuntu – BOOTCHART : not creating the bootchart after reboot


Should not bootchart create the image file after I restarted the system? It is not happening so. WHat should I be doing?

Best Answer

make sure that you have the following packages installed on your system:

$ dpkg-query -W bootchart pybootchartgui
bootchart   0.90.2-8ubuntu2
pybootchartgui  0+r141-0ubuntu3

Then all you have to do to (re)generate a png picture of your boot sequence is to select an archive in /var/log/bootchart/, for example:

$ cd $HOME
$ bootchart /var/log/bootchart/sylvain-ThinkPad-T430s-trusty-20140915-1.tgz
parsing '/var/log/bootchart/sylvain-ThinkPad-T430s-trusty-20140915-1.tgz'
parsing 'header'
parsing 'proc_stat.log'
parsing 'proc_diskstats.log'
parsing 'proc_ps.log'
warning: no parent for pid '2' with ppid '0'
merged 0 logger processes
pruned 276 process, 0 exploders, 155 threads, and 22 runs
bootchart written to 'bootchart.png' 

But by default bootchart saves png in /var/log/bootchart/ too:

enter image description here