Ubuntu – Blurry fonts after upgrading to 10.04, Nvidia issue


Recently I upgraded from 8.04 LTS to 10.04.

The previous version had some problems regarding screen settings. X only recognised 1024×768 as resolution of my monitor, mainly because the monitor was not identified correctly.

With 10.04 the monitor and its resolutions are identified correctly and the system chooses a better resolution.

But now the fonts seem blurry. They are hard to read. I tried a larger font size which improves the situation a bit. I also played around with nvidia-settings. If I choose 1024×768 again, the fonts look good.
Also some resolutions with specific refresh rates seem better. Another thing I tried was to change hinting settings. However the best variant was already chosen.

So I've run out of ideas for a solution. Do you have any hints?

My graphics card is nVidia Corporation C68 GeForce 7050 PV / nForce 630a (rev a2).

Best Answer

You might be using wrong settings for subpixel hinting - it might be turned on when it shouldn't be, depending on your monitor. I've found that 10.04 defaults to having it turned on with LCD panels (haven't tested a CRT in a while.)

Your panel might be also returning the wrong information about the color order.

Check the Appearance settings. nvidia-settings may override the Free Software stack - there's a lot of points where nvidia driver does odd things. Try temporarily removing the nvidia driver to let nouveau drive the hardware and see if the situation improves.

As of note nouveau in Ubuntu 10.04 does not have 3D acceleration, but is quite fine in 2D.

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