Ubuntu – Blender Distorted UI


I have just downloaded the latest version of Blender from the website on to my Xubuntu machine, when I open it, I get this:
The screenshot below is a zoomed in version of the top left of the screen, as you can see, the (i) icon is displayed fine but the text is unreadable.


Images appear fine but the text is very distorted. What other information should I provide that may help to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance, ell.

Edit: I downloaded the Linux x86-32 package from the blender website(pre-compiled binaries) and extracted it, I've tried running plain blender (just open the blender executable) as well as running the blender-softwaregl script but both give the same results. Both of them give the following results when run from the terminal:

ndof: dead zone set to 0.10
connect failed: No such file or directory
ndof: spacenavd not found
Info: Config directory with "startup.blend" file not found.
found bundled python: /home/elliot/Downloads/blender-2.59-linux-glibc27-i686/2.59/python

Best Answer

The question mentioned that blender was installed from the website - I presume this means that it was compiled. It could be a compilation/incompatibility through this method of installation.

Installing from this PPA into my Xubuntu virtual guest displayed blender v2.59.2 correctly:

enter image description here


sudo apt-add-repository ppa:cheleb/blender-svn
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install blender

Graphics Issues

With older graphics cards you do have a couple of options to try:

  1. Uplift your graphics stack using the x-swat PPA
  2. Uplift both your graphics stack and kernel using the x-edgers PPA

Both obviously are less tested and can themselves break your system - so have a good backup BEFORE you attempt them. Using something like clonezilla to backup your system to and external hard-drive.

For suggestion 1:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

For suggestion 2: this is an unstable PPA - whilst it can resolve graphical issues - accepting updates from the PPA can leave you with black-screen

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa 
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-3.0.0-11 linux-image-3.0.0-11-generic 

Then open software-sources and untick the edgers PPA so that further updates are not received in the future.

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