Lubuntu Upgrade – Blank Desktop After Upgrading Lubuntu to the Next Version


I recently have experienced the same problem twice when upgrading two computers – once when upgrading Lubuntu 12.10 to 13.10 and again today when upgrading a second computer from 12.10 to 14.04.

In both cases after logging in the desktop opened to a blank wallpaper – no panel and none of my desktop folders etc. Right clicking the desktop brings up a menu with various options not all of which work. In both cases logging out and back into guest session shows the full desktop with panel and folders etc.

How can I fix this?

Best Answer

I found a simple fix for this particular problem on another forum. The fault seems to lie in personal settings for lxsession which are no longer available in the upgraded version.

From the blank desktop open a terminal. (Ctrl+Alt+T)

Type in


Press enter.

This should restore your panel so you can open your home folder.

Press Ctrl+ H to show hidden folders.

Open the .config/lxsession folder and delete the Lubuntu folder. Logout and back in, the Lubuntu folder will be re-created with default settings and your desktop should be back. This worked in both instances for me.

(Apologies for any formatting errors, still an amateur at this).

Edit: I may have used the incorrect terminology with regards to upgrading. In both instances I installed from disk and selected the option of installing the new OS over the old while keeping settings and home folder.

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