Ubuntu – Black Screen with cursor – Booting from HardDisk & LiveCD


  • I've formatted my PC and installed Windows 8 & Ubuntu 14.04.
  • I've been working like 1 week with the computer with both OS without any problem
  • My motherboard is Asus M2N32

Suddenly, one day the computer seems to stuck on booting:

  • If I select Windows in the grub, the computer restarts
  • If I select Ubuntu in the grub, just after the selection the computer stuck in a black screen with cursor but I cannot hit ctr+alt+f1 or anything

I've checked some questions here, and google around but any of the solutions fix my issue.

I've tried:

  • Start the computer with a Ubuntu 12/13/14 Live CD (same issue)
  • Followed My computer boots to black screen without any success (among other tutorials I found googling)
  • I tried to boot HardDisk & CD with acpi = off, nolapic and nomodset.
  • I've tried unplugging every device on the motherboard but the RAM, GraphicCard and wireless keyboard
  • 3 graphics card I've tried: Sapphire HD 3650, Nvidia and ATI (I only remember the model of the Sapphire)
  • I've tried to boot using boot-repair disk (via USB & CD), and get stuck in the same black screen with cursor blinking

I'm thinking the issue may come from the motherboard, but the computer starts without problems and I allways can see/enter/modify the BIOS.

  • Does anyone has any thought or any solution that can be tried ?

EDIT: It seems the problems is graphic, because I cannot make the computer boot from a Windows XP/7/8 neither (Allways stuck in "Starting Windows" black screen)

That's weird because I have 3 different graphic cards, and the BIOS menu && Boot Menu is displayed without problems, but when any "good" graphic screen is coming, the computer fails…

  • Is the motherboad damaged or there is another explanation for this ?

Best Answer

Finally solved,

First of all thanks to @LuisAlvarado who points me to run memtest86!

When I run the memtest86 it restarted automatically after few seconds, I realize this means some kind of issues with the RAM memory.

I removed all my RAM modules and begin to test them 1 by 1 and then I saw the issue with the 3rd module, somehow it's broken and was giving all this issues.

Another thing I realized is that the BIOS of the M2N32 has an option Quick Boot set to true, so the motherboard avoid testing the ram, if this option wasn't enabled I could find and fix the issue even faster.

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