Ubuntu – Black screen on boot after AMDGPU-Pro install (16.04)


I have been having some screen freezing issues on my new Ubuntu 16.04 system, and have been in the troubleshooting process for this issue. I thought it was a graphics driver problem, as I am running an AMD R9 380x card which was supposed to be fully supported by the open-source AMDGPU driver preinstalled with 16.04, but after looking around online, many people seem to have issues with. I thought the answer would be to install the recently released AMDGPU-Pro driver here, following the instructions from here. However, when I reboot I am getting a black screen. Is there an easy way to revert my changes back? My machine was semi-functional with the freezing issue but now with no video at all is useless to me. How to proceed?

Best Answer

When your system is booted and you're at the black screen issue the following keyboard command: CTRL-ALT-F2. Login with your account. Then, run the command:


This should uninstall the driver and hopefully get you back working again.

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