Ubuntu – BIOS contains WGDS but no WRDS


I updated from 18.04 and run Xubuntu specifically. I updated to 19.04 and my wifi works and everything but for some strange reason for a few weeks now, no matter what I do, I cant get rid of this error.

It pops up in the quick black screen that appears before my login prompt shows up.

No matter what I cannot find anything to fix it, my wifi still works but that error appearing drives me up the wall.

iwlwifi 0000:00:0c.0: BIOS contains WGDS but no WRDS

If you want specifics, there's the whole thing from the logs.

Best Answer

Found this message in a fresh Lubuntu 18.04.3 64 bit installation + latest updates (5.0.0-27-generic kernel). I can reproduce it doing:

sudo systemctl restart network-manager
cat /var/log/syslog | grep iwlwifi

The system works fine (include wifi connections).

It seems to be a not important warning. At https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=243922 it says:

after the fix is applied contains the output "BIOS contains WGDS but no WRDS"

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