Best Compression Method – Top Techniques for Data Compression


I want to compress a 16GB folder, but what's the best method? tar.gz? tar.bz2 rar? 7z? Would the archive be smaller if I first compressed in a method, then copy the compressed archive to a new folder, then re-compressed in some other method? I need to make it fit on a DVD (output maybe 8.5GB, don't remember) but putting "4370 MB" makes the compressed file be 2.5GB part.

BTW, what's the default compression method on Ubuntu?

Best Answer

The default is gz. The best results I get with 7z though.

Here is the results for a 1.4 Gb virtualbox container:

enter image description here

Best compression – size in MB:

7z 493
rar 523
bz2 592
lzh 607
gz 614
Z 614
zip 614
.arj 615
lzo 737
zoo 890


enter image description here


 sudo apt-get install p7zip-full
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