Ubuntu – become an Ubuntu Member by contributing on Ask Ubuntu


The Ubuntu Membership Wiki states:

Contributions are valued and recognized whether you contribute to
artwork, any of the LoCoTeams, documentation, providing support on the
forums, the answers tracker, IRC support, bug triage, translation,
development and packaging, marketing and advocacy, contributing to the
wiki, or anything else.

This defines what contributions will be considered valuable when applying for Ubuntu membership. What I want to know is, does my involvement on Ask Ubuntu fall under the stipulation "…or anything else"?

I'd imagine they don't literally mean anything else, just things considered to fit the scope of contributing to Ubuntu. So is my help here valuable in contributing? Has anyone ever obtained membership by using their Ask Ubuntu contributions as their argument toward membership?

Best Answer

Plenty of people on the site (including all the moderators) have cited their involvement here as a sustained contribution to Ubuntu as a means to membership, so, yes!