BCM4313 Wireless on Ubuntu Server 12.04 – Setup Guide


I'm trying to run an old netbook with Broadcom BCM4313 wireless as a print server with Ubuntu Server 12.04. Setting up the wireless without the GUI, however, is proving problematic. I do think however I've narrowed down the problem.

I've tried both the wl driver (from bcmwl-kernel-source) as well as the (included) brcmsmac driver. With both of them, when I issue the command iwlist wlan0 scanning (eth1 for wl), I only see neighbouring networks- not my own.

I believe this might be because my networks are n-only, but my neighbouring networks are mixed mode (I suspect this because the output of iwlist wlan0 scanning shows "Bit Rates" only as high as 54 Mb/s).

Any ideas how to go about getting this thing to connect?

Best Answer

Set your network to mix mode, should fix it up. I had the same problem.

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