Image Processing – Batch Convert .tif to .jpeg

batchconvertimage processing

I'm trying to mass convert a handful of .tif files. I found phatch could look like a good candidiate but I'm running Ubuntu 11.04. Looks like they don't have a .deb for my version.

Anyone have any alternatives to phatch or any other recommendations as to quickly batch convert tif to jpeg files.

I'm looking for a non-Photoshop (ala Wine) solution.

Best Answer

Easy. Install imagemagick:

sudo apt-get install imagemagick

Its simplest usage is:

convert File.tif File.jpg

It is smart and goes by your file extension.

Now, for doing batch conversions, we shall use a loop.

cd into the directory where your tif files are.


for f in *.tif; do  echo "Converting $f"; convert "$f"  "$(basename "$f" .tif).jpg"; done

Read also as:

for f in *.tif
    echo "Converting $f" 
    convert "$f"  "$(basename "$f" .tif).jpg" 

That should do it!

Also, once you convert all of the files and verify the new jpg's integrity, just run rm *.tif in that directory to delete all your old .tif files. Be careful with asterisks though, don't add a space after the *, or you will delete all your files in the directory.

Tip: If you have a folder with subfolders that holds these images. You could use this for loop to find all .TIF files within that folder:

for f in $(find -name *.tif); do ...; done