Ubuntu – Bash: getting values from file

bashcommand line

I have a file that is built like this:

(MATH[NUMBER1=(50, unknown, unknown), NUMBER2=(unknown, 4, unknown), OPERATOR='times']
 (NUM[SEM=(50, unknown, unknown)] (DIZAINE[SEM=50] cinquante))
  (OPERATEUR[SEM='times'] multiplie)
  (NUM[SEM=(unknown, 4, unknown)] (UNITE[SEM=4] quatre)))

How can I extract the values 50, 'times' & 4?

I've tried with awk but there are parentheses balancing issues

Best Answer

If you want to extract the non parenthesized values of the SEM attribute then you can do so using grep in PCRE mode:

$ grep -Po '(?<=\[SEM=)[^()]*?(?=\])' file

or perl itself

$ perl -lne 'print $1 if /(?<=\[SEM=)([^()]*?)(?=\])/' file

Both approaches use regular expression lookarounds.

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