Ubuntu – Bash: config.sh: No such file or directory

bashcommand line

Whenever I open my terminal, it displays

bash: config.sh: No such file or directory

followed by the command prompt in the next line. My .bashrc file contains:

source config.sh

I mainly use Ubuntu for Root and Pythia et al, which seem to be working alright, but could someone tell me the possible reason for this? Thank you.

Best Answer

You have to find whereis the script config.sh. Usually you can take it as heritage from some older Phd or postdoc.

Pay attention to the Environment variable of Root too (you can have problem later when you execute compiled macro).

To check if you just have it, try:

  • locate config.sh
  • whereis config.sh
  • find . -name "config.h"

and so on...

Put the ~/ if it is in your home directory.