Ubuntu – automatically run ls after changing path using autocd

bashcommand linelszsh

So everytime I change the directory I would like the new path to automatically get listed with ls.
There are solutions if the path gets changed using cd but I never found a solution that would work when the path gets changed using the autocd option.

Would be quite convenient, has anyone achieved that before?

Best Answer

You can achieve this by changing the variable PROMPT_COMMAND, which is executed before PS1, e.g.:


This will list each time you get a new prompt. Of course you only want to execute ls if the directory has changed:

PROMPT_COMMAND='[[ $my_currdir != $PWD ]] && ls; my_currdir=$PWD'

This checks if the new directory isn't the same as the last one set, and then executes ls, after which your current directory is stored in my_currdir

I found an even better line here, where they use bash as a file manager:

PROMPT_COMMAND='[[ ${__new_wd:=$PWD} != $PWD ]] && list; __new_wd=$PWD'

since it is possible that __new_wd is unset, you can assign a default value which will be used in that case (see bash man pages, search for :=)