I am new to Ubuntu (10.10), migrating from Windows 7 and I want to setup my login screen so it auto-selects user (there is only one user profile on my system) and that it asks for my password so I can enter my password and tap "enter" and login without touching my mouse.
When I choose "Login as [my_user_profile_name] automatically" it logs me in without asking for a password
I've "Googled" and found one similar issue but it didn't help me.
Is this possible to set-up?
Best Answer
If your goal is to simply login without using your mouse, the easiest method on a single-user system would be to simply hit the 'Enter' key when the login screen first loads. This will select your name and place your cursor in a password box. I use this method on one of my lucid machines, and it works just fine.