Ubuntu – Authentication method for likewise to join a domain


I installed likewise and joined my an active directory domain.
I'm finding it's a bit unclear on how the default authentication works.

Do I have to do any extra configuration to enable kerberos?
If I do, then what authentication method is default?

Best Answer

Well try this before installing likewise-open

Open Terminal

ping domain e.g. domain.com ping doimain controller e.g. domaincontroller.domain.com ping domain controller IP Address 192.168.X.X

For this Process I used ¨root user¨

$ sudo su

gedit /etc/hosts

Put this below the first two lines:


gedit /etc/nsswitch.conf

look for line that says hosts and comment is out with ¨#¨ then add the following line above it:

hosts: files dns mdns4

gedit /etc/resolv.conf

comment out everything with ¨#¨ and add line below

search domain.com nameserver 192.168.X.X (IP ADDRESS OF DOMAIN CONTROLLER)

gedit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf

Then add line below the ¨option rfc3442-classless-static-routes code 121 = array of unsigned integer 8;¨

supersede domain-name ¨domain.com¨;

prepend domain-name-servers; (IP ADDRESS OF DOMAIN CONTROLLER)

Here I added the user I will be log into the machine with to a two group:

sudo visudo

under #User privilege specification: put domain user DOMAIN\username ALL=(ALL) ALL


under #Member of admin group may gain root privileges:

%DOMAIN\domain^users ALL=(ALL) ALL

Then Install likewise with the following:

apt-get install likewise-open likewise-open-gui

Then join the domain:

domainjoin-cli join --ou COMPUTERS DOMAIN.COM administrator

This is opitional to allow you to just type in the username without the domain:

lwconfig assumeDefaultDomain True

Then you reboot the machine:

sudo reboot

After reboot you login:

login with domain username

from terminal you now check to see if all configuration went well:

lw-get-status (to see if active Directory is there)

lw-enum-users (to see the user of active Directory)

If errors should occur like not seeing the login page:

Enable domain login on login screen

gedit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

Acutally adding: greeter-hide-users=true (this hide the users so becareful with this one)

greeter-show-manual-login=true (This shows all users and login function)

To leave the domain

sudo domainjoin-cli leave

Let me know if this helps!

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