Ubuntu – Why are two versions of software with identical names installed on Ubuntu 18.04, and can I remove one of them


Gnome System Monitor is listed twice in Applications Overview. Using the Software center I determined one of them is a snap version, while the other isn't a snap. They appear to be identical in the applications Overview. Gnome Calculator is another example, and I'm sure there are more.

Can I remove the snap version and use the other one without any issues?

As the question clearly states: Why are two versions of software with identical names installed on Ubuntu 18.04? The suggested duplicate of this question does not answer the question.

By the way, the non-snap (apt version) of Gnome System Monitor is listed in the software Center twice, adding to the confusion, both listed as version 3.28.2-0Ubuntu1. Why is this happening?

Ubuntu release 18.04 new installation (not an upgrade).

Best Answer

Replacing some GNOME apps with Snaps is developers' decision to support modern glossy non-geek GNOME "functionality".

How to remove such snaps? Search them by snap list:

$ snap list
Name                  Version  Rev   Tracking  Developer  Notes
core                  16-2.33  4830  stable    canonical  core
gnome-3-26-1604       3.26.0   64    stable/…  canonical  -
gnome-calculator      3.28.1   178   stable/…  canonical  -
gnome-characters      3.28.2   101   stable/…  canonical  -
gnome-logs            3.28.2   37    stable/…  canonical  -
gnome-system-monitor  3.26.0   45    stable/…  canonical  -

and then remove them with for example

snap remove gnome-system-monitor

And then install regular package with for example

sudo apt install gnome-system-monitor

Some deb-packages could be installed into the system as dependencies of other packages . For example gnome-system-monitor is a dependency of the following packages:

$ apt-cache rdepends gnome-system-monitor
Reverse Depends:

$ aptitude why gnome-system-monitor 
i   xinit        Recommends gnome-terminal | xterm | x-session-manager | x-windo
                            w-manager | x-terminal-emulator                     
p   compiz       Provides   x-window-manager                                    
p   compiz       Depends    compiz-gnome                                        
p   compiz-gnome Recommends gnome-system-monitor | mate-system-monitor         

see corresponding man-pages for the syntax of used commands (man apt-cache and man aptitude).