Ubuntu – Are there keylogger viruses that affect Ubuntu


I just within the last few hours had my Amazon and Gmail accounts hijacked. Purchases were made through my Amazon account that I didn't authorize…in fact, I wasn't even in my room. According to Gmail, the IP address of when I got hijacked was where I live.

Enough rambling, here's my question: are there keylogger viruses on Ubuntu? I am not sure if either i accidentally let my password out there somewhere, or maybe I have a keylogger. I'm currently installing ClamAV to scan for viruses. Any help would be absolutely appreciated.

Best Answer

Are there keylogger viruses that affect Ubuntu?

Yes, there are, but the good news is that it is very hard to get infected, because of the way software installs (you need a root access). If you do not install some dodgy software, you are safe.

What most likely happened in your case, is someone ordered while you were away (and you didn't lock your computer).

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