Ubuntu – Are there any standard icons for qml-app-development


I am developing a qml-app and I want to put icons on the buttons. I would like to use ubuntu standard icons to get the real ubuntu look for my app. How can I do this?

Best Answer

The official Ubuntu Touch icon theme is called Ubuntu Mobile, and is available for installation in the ubuntu-mobile-icons package. Here is a sample of the icons provided:

Ubuntu Mobile Action icons

To use the icons in your code, just use the path to the icon. For example, to set the icon in a toolbar button, do something similar to this:

ToolbarButton {
    text: i18n.tr("Refresh")
    iconSource: Qt.resolvedUrl("/usr/share/icons/ubuntu-mobile/actions/scalable/reload.svg")

To avoid having to repeat the root path over and over again, I usually use a small function called getIcon which returns the actual path to an icon:

function getIcon(name) {
    return Qt.resolvedUrl("/usr/share/icons/ubuntu-mobile/actions/scalable/" + name + ".svg")

The previous example would then be:

ToolbarButton {
    text: i18n.tr("Refresh")
    iconSource: getIcon("reload")
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