Ubuntu – Are there any GUI man page editors are available


I find the man page format extremely painful to write. Is there a GUI (WYSIWYG or WYSIWYM) editor available to make this task easier? I'm hoping for an application that is to man pages as Kompozer is to web pages.

I have tried gmanedit but have found that it is basically just a text editor with some easily available snippets – it is necessary to know the man page format to use it and the editing area is just a text widget.

While I'd prefer software that is in the official Ubuntu repositories, I am OK with using unsupported methods for installation such as PPAs or installing from source.

Best Answer

It is possible to author man pages using DocBook markup and use tools such as docbook2x-man to create troff output. There are some visual ("WYSIWYM"-style) editors available for editing DocBook markup. For example, the GPL-licensed Syntext Serna Free:

Screenshot of using Syntext Serna Free to edit a DocBook reference entry

Also, doclifter is a utility for converting man pages to DocBook.