Ubuntu – Are none of the startup commands being executed

command linestartup

I have been trying to get my laptop's screen brightness to default to a low setting, and for my keyboard light to be off when I start my computer.

I have these two commands that work when I execute them at the command line:

xbacklight -set 7
echo 0 | sudo tee /sys/class/leds/asus::kbd_backlight/brightness

I put them in my /etc/rc.local file, like so:

#!/bin/sh -e
# ...
# By default this script does nothing.
echo 0 | tee /sys/class/leds/asus::kbd_backlight/brightness
xbacklight -set 7
exit 0

However, neither command executes. (I was told that the sudo was not needed in the second command when placed in /etc/rc.local)

There was another question asking the same thing about rc.local, but I tried to also include my commands using the Startup Applications GUI interface. That also did not work, so I think the problem might go beyond just the rc.local file. Other default startup commands in the list seem to start, so far as I can tell.

Why am I unable to get any custom command line to execute when I startup?

New: After some experimentation, it seems like the commands I put in /etc/rc.local might be getting executed before the login screen. So, my login screen has the screen appropriately dimmed. However, then when I login, my screen goes to maximum brightness. So it seems like perhaps there is some other setting that is being applied when I log in, or that /etc/rc.local only applies for the login screen itself and has no bearing on what happens to a user when logged in.

So, how do I resolve this so that the brightness and keyboard light settings I want apply to the user login session, not just to the login screen?

Best Answer

xbacklight solution

1) Create an executable script file e.g. /home/YOU/.bin/lower-brightness like this:

xbacklight -set 7 &

2) Create a .desktop file e.g. /home/YOU/.config/autostart/lower-brightness.desktop like this:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Lower Screen Brightness
Comment=Screen brightness is set to 7 at startup