Ubuntu – Application to automatically search lyrics and store them in ID3-tags


I'm looking for an application that automatically searches lyrics on the internet and stores them in ID3-tags. Such a program, called iArt, already exists for Microsoft Windows. Does a similar application exist for Ubuntu as well?

Best Answer

I know of no application that will actually automatically write the lyrics to the iD3 tag for the file but rhythymbox has a plugin that will download lyrics from the internet.

Also remember that not all lyrics are available and subject to copyright in many countries.

There are many applications that will however enable you to edit the iD3 tags of your files either individually or in a batch;

  • Easytag which is available in the software centre for installation.
  • MusicBrainz Picard which is available in the software centre for installation.
  • MP3 Diags which is a very feature rich and easy to use.
  • Puddletag simple basic application.