Ubuntu – Application menu support for LibreOffice 3.4.1


I have installed LibreOffice 3.4.1.

On the website it say that it has global menu support. This doesn't work.

I have downloaded a newer version of the package lo-menubar which doesn't work either. I don't know if it is the newest version.

I've tried the LibreOffice v3.4.0 workaround but that also did not work.

Is it possible to get the Application menu working for LibreOffice 3.4?

Best Answer

The extension mentioned in the other posts only works for x86_64!

So if you have a 32bit Ubuntu, as I do, that won't work for you.

I found a way to make it work, tough. Certainly, it's not the most elegant way, since I have no idea how to create a Libreoffice extension from source.

You can download the modified extension for 32bit here: lo-menubar.oxt Download it, open it, agree in Libreoffice to install it, restart Libreoffice.

I hope I didn't violate any licenses…

If you don't trust me or your just curious what I did, here is what I did:

Download the extension that was mentioned in the other answers: lo-menubar.oxt

Get the 32bit deb from the Ubuntu repositories. Open a terminal and enter:

apt-get download lo-menubar

If you didn't change the directory, a file called *lo-menubar_0.1.0-0ubuntu1_i386.deb* should be in your home folder.

Now open lo-menubar.oxt with the archive manager: Right click on the lo-menubar.oxt, open with archive manager (I hope it's called like that, I am using Ubuntu in German)

Now both files should be open, each in an archive manager window.

In lo-menubar.oxt:

  1. Remove the Linux_x86_64 folder
  2. Change into the folder META-INF
  3. Extract manifest.xml (just drag it onto your desktop)
  4. Right click on the extracted manifest.xml - open it with a text editor
  5. Find *platform=Linux_x86_64"* and change it into *platform=Linux_x86"*
  6. Find *Linux_x86_64/menubar.uno.so"* and change it into *Linux_x86/menubar.uno.so"*
  7. Save the manifest.xml and close your text editor
  8. Drag the manifest.xml back into the archive manager, which has lo-menubar.oxt opened, to overwrite that file
  9. Go back to the root folder of lo-menubar.oxt, keep it open.

Open the lo-menubar_0.1.0-0ubuntu1_i386.deb with the archive manager: Right click on lo-menubar_0.1.0-0ubuntu1_i386.deb, open with archive manager

  1. Change into the folder: /usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/menubar/
  2. Drag the Linux_x86 folder into the lo-menubar.oxt

Close everything and open the lo-menubar.oxt. Restart Libreoffice.

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