Ubuntu – Apple Music on Ubuntu

applemusicmusic player

How can I use Apple Music on Ubuntu, if its possible? Im thinking about switching over from spotify, but Im not sure if its worth it if I cant access the music from my desktop. Thank you!

Best Answer

Apple Music uses iTunes, you could try using wine/crossover to run it on Ubuntu. The problem is that iTunes has been very hard to run on Ubuntu. You can check the status of iTunes running on wine here. You can see that version 12.x (the latest) can be installed but nothing related to networking works. So if you already have music on your computer it will play it, but won't stream anything.

I do not recommend switching from Spotify to Apple Music if you're using Ubuntu. Stick to Spotify or try Google Play Music where both have a working web interface and Spotify has a dedicated app for Linux. If Apple ever offers a browser-based solution to iTunes maybe it'll be possible but I really doubt it. Apple's goal is to get you into their ecosystem and close all exit doors so you depend on them 100%.

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