Ubuntu – Apache server virtual hosts not working


So I have updated to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS from 12.04. The problem is that my existing virtual hosts are not working after the upgrade. And yes I have tried

sudo a2ensite test.dev

but it says:

ERROR: Site test.dev does not exist!

This is what I have in the
/etc/apache2/sites-available directory

test.dev       mysite.dev      anothersite.dev

the content of test.dev is

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
    ServerName test.dev
    ServerAlias www.test.dev
    DocumentRoot /var/www/test

and the hosts file     test.dev     www.test.dev

Best Answer

14.04 upgrades your Apache to 2.4 From this version the config files need to have the .conf extensions, in your case:


Just rename your files. You may also need to include some new permissions for the directory

Here's a pretty good guide: https://library.linode.com/web-servers/apache/2.2-2.4-upgrade

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