Ubuntu – Apache permissions to allow both user and web server to edit /var/www


For security reasons I would like to disable root access via ssh.

I created a new user (user1) with administrative permissions.

adduser user1
usermod -aG sudo user1

and assigned the /www directory to this user.

sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /var/www/
sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www

(My folders structure is www/site1.com, www/site2.com, etc.)

My sites need to write some files (such as sitemaps, rss feeds, etc.) so I set the permissions of the www directory to:

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www
sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www

Now, however, user user1 works perfectly via shell with the sudo command, but can no longer add/edit/delete files and folders in the /www directory and its subdirectories via sftp.

I read many guides, how to set up apache permissions to increase security, to share administration with other users, etc. etc. etc.

But I still did not understand how to solve my problem.

Currently to be able to handle files on my server via sftp I have to use the root user, with peace of mind for security.

Did I miss something about setting user or folders permissions?

Best Answer

It's possible to set different group and user access for files and directories, and this will allow both Apache and your user1 user to edit what's in /var/www without requiring root/sudo and without making anything world-writable.

So, set the "user" permission inside /var/www to user1. Set the "group" permission to www-data (but ONLY for the specific files or directories that the web server needs to write to).

sudo chown -R user1:user1 /var/www
sudo chgrp www-data /var/www/specific-file

You should avoid letting the web server write to the entire /var/www directory and its contents, instead giving the above group permission only to the specific files where this is necessary. It is a good security principle to limit the web server's access to write to files to only those files that it is strictly necessary for - and it is a good idea to try and ensure those files are not executed directly (aren't .php or other executable scripts, for example).

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