Music – Any Ubuntu Tool to Edit Tags in MP3 Files in Group


Is there any tool in ubuntu to edit tag information in mp3 files in group?
For example, I want to set all the files in a directory with the same album name or artists. How can I do that?

I find 'Easytag', but I need to do that 1 file at a time. I want to know if there is something I can do 1 directory/1 directory tree at the same time?

Thank you.

Best Answer


Actually with EasyTAG you do not need to set (example) the Album name file by file in the same directory.

You can try this:

  1. Open the EasyTAG and navigate to the folder you want.
  2. Select all the files with Ctrl+A.
  3. Write the Album Name.
  4. Click in the checkbox to apply the same Album name to all the selected files.
  5. Save the changes to all the selected files.



Another option could be id3tool

id3tool is a command line utility for easy manipulation of the ID3 tags present in MPEG Layer 3 audio files.

id3tool is a fully GPL'd program. Warm-fuzzy's are 100% optional.

To install it.

sudo apt-get install id3tool

You can go to your folder eg:

cd ~/Music/test-2013/

I can list the tags in all the mp3 files with:

id3tool *.mp3


Filename: 01-track.mp3
Song Title: track1                        
Artist:     Test-Artist                   
Album:      Test-Album                    
Track:      1
Year:       2013
Genre:      Jazz (0x8)

Filename: 02-track.mp3
Song Title: track2                        
Artist:     Test-Artist                   
Album:      Test-Album                    
Note:       0                           
Track:      2
Year:       2013
Genre:      Jazz (0x8)

Filename: 03-track.mp3
Song Title: track3                        
Artist:     Test-Artist                   
Album:      Test-Album                    
Note:       0                           
Track:      3
Year:       2013
Genre:      Jazz (0x8)

I can change the Album Name to all the mp3 files with:

id3tool -a Test-Album-id3tool *.mp3

Now I have:

Filename: 01-track.mp3
Song Title: track1                        
Artist:     Test-Artist                   
Album:      Test-Album-id3tool            
Track:      1
Year:       2013
Genre:      Jazz (0x8)

Filename: 02-track.mp3
Song Title: track2                        
Artist:     Test-Artist                   
Album:      Test-Album-id3tool            
Note:       0                           
Track:      2
Year:       2013
Genre:      Jazz (0x8)

Filename: 03-track.mp3
Song Title: track3                        
Artist:     Test-Artist                   
Album:      Test-Album-id3tool            
Note:       0                           
Track:      3
Year:       2013
Genre:      Jazz (0x8)

NOTE: with the option -a id3tool set the Album Name.

Man Pages id3tool

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