Ubuntu – Any good SQL shell programs


I want to practice SQL commands on Ubuntu. I would just like to play with different commands and keywords. Where can I find something that helps?

I don't want to install any server. I need a small app; something less than 20MB.

Best Answer

If you want to play around with a lightweight SQL RDBMS, SQLite (Ubuntu package) is the standard choice. You have multiple options to use SQLite:


You can use the SQLite program directly from the command line by running

sqlite3 /some/database/file.sqlite

Type commands and press Enter (remember the trailing semicolon).


Alternatively, you can install sqliteman, which provides a nice GUI browser for SQLite databases; you can also enter SQL code and execute it (displaying the results in the GUI):

sqliteman screenshot

Install via terminal:

sudo apt-get install sqliteman



Be aware that SQLite takes some unusual design decisions for an RDBMS:

  • No client-server architecture
  • Dynamically typed; SQLite does not enforce many constraints that other RDBMSs insist on. If you want to simulate MySQL-like typing, you have to explicitly add CHECK constraints.
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