Ubuntu – Android Studo showing :“OpenJDK shows intermittent performance and UI issues.”


I have recently installed Android Studio on my Ubuntu 12.10 64bit machine, but every time that I opened it kept giving the following error "OpenJDK shows intermittent performance and UI issues. We recommend using the Oracle JRE/JDK." After reading this blog post and followng the tutorial, I was able to install Oracle JDK, but android studio keeps showing this error. Is there any particular configuration on android studio that I have to change?

Note: I have already installed Oracle JDK 8u.20.

I did not unnistall Open JDK.

When I run java -version, it shows that I successfully installed Oracle JDK

Best Answer

I don't have an exact solution, but I figure I share my experience since finding this question helped me resolve my issue. I was just having the same issue as you with Linux Mint 17 x64, also using JDK 8u20, and stumbled upon your post, which led me to the blog post you linked in your post. Following those steps resolved my issue without having to make any changes to Android Studio. I just executed the commands, restarted Android Studio and the notification was gone.

My only suggestion I could say is to make sure you're getting the commands correctly and when doing the two commands

sudo update-alternatives --config java 

sudo update-alternatives --config javaws

that you ensure you're selecting the correct number selection ID to the newer JDK


My selections were 2 and 3, respectively, for those two commands.

Hope that helps narrow a solution down for you. Thanks for helping me, I hope that helps you narrow down a solution. Good luck.

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