Ubuntu – Allowing a group Read-Write Access to a directory


I have two users, user1 and user2, that are both members of groupA. user2 has a folder in their home directory called folderA. If they wish to allow read-write-execute permissions for all members of groupA, how would they do this?

What if folderA contains many files and additional folders that also need to have read-write-execute permission?

Information regarding groups is a little 'spotty' across the web, so I am putting my question here in the hope someone posts a clear answer that might help others out too.


Best Answer

FolderA will first need to be part of groupA - the folder's owner or root can perform this operation

chgrp groupA ./folderA

Then groupA will need rwx permissions of the folder

chmod g+rwx  ./folderA

There are options in the chgrp and chmod commands to recurse into the directory if required.