Ubuntu – aircrack-ng channel hopping issue


I cannot stop channel hopping on latest ubuntu, on aircrack website it sais that newotk managers or similar programs cause this…when launching airmon-ng it warns me that processes like dhcpi, network-manager can cause problems.

I tried to kill these processes with sudo kill -9 pid but the processes are immediately restarted.

I am using the ath9k driver.

Best Answer

You will need to stop their services, not simply kill the process. Here's what you can do:

sudo service avahi-daemon stop
  • This stops the avahi-daemon.
sudo service network-manager stop
  • This stops Network Manager.
sudo wpa_cli -i wlan0 terminate
  • This should kill wpa_supplicant on your wlan0 interface.
sudo kill -9 dhclient_pid
  • Replace dhclient_pid with the pid of dhclient.

I suggest not executing all of these at once, but instead execute one and then check the channel hopping.

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