Thunderbird – Fix Parsing Error After Upgrade to Ubuntu 20.10


When starting Thunderbird in Ubuntu 20.10 an error message is displayed

XML Parsing Error: undefined entity
Location: chrome://messenger/content/messenger.xhtml
Line Number 905, Column 3:
  <key id="openLightningKey"

and nothing more happens.
However Thunderbird can be started in "safe mode" with the command line command

thunderbird -safe-mode

I have a number of language packs installed, German, English (CA), English (GB), French and Swedish.

How can I make Thunderbird start OK from the apllications menu?

Best Answer

I was experiencing the same problem just earlier after installing an official language pack by Mozilla. After closing and restarting Thunderbird, I was shown a popup with the exact same message you posted, and couldn't get Thunderbird running again.

Based on messages in this (German language) forum thread:, others are having the same problem, also after having recently installed or updated language packs.

I managed to solve the problem on my end by moving the offending file (, in my case) out of Thunderbird's extensions directory. On my system, all my Thunderbird settings, including the exensions directory, reside at /home/MYUSER/.thunderbird/RANDOMSTRING.default.

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