KDE – How to Add a Menu Item to KDE Launcher


I've installed Eclipse Framework not as a binary package (tar.gz), user has only to extract it to a desired directory and start off. I've added eclipse destination path to the global PATH variable and I'm able to run eclipse from the command-line without specifying the full path. I also want eclipse to appear on Kickoff Application Launcher though, as well as be able to start it via the quick start (Alt-F2). What steps should I follow?

I'm using KDE 4.9.4 on Kubuntu 12.04

Thank you!

Best Answer

  1. Right click on Kickoff.
  2. Edit applications...
  3. Mark the folder you want it in, e.g. Development. Click on New.
  4. Fill in the name you want.
  5. Add the actual command and click on the square next to name to change the icon. There is an icon in the eclipse directory.
  6. Click Save.