Ubuntu – Access Windows 7 Media Streaming

10.04musicpluginsrhythmboxwindows 7

I wish to be able to see and stream music to my Ubuntu 10.04 installation through Rhythmbox. I have enabled media streaming in Windows 7 and I can see Rhythmbox as an allowed device.

I have installed the Coherence plugin for Rhythmbox. I can see my Windows 7 PC under the Shared folder in Rhythmbox, but I do not see any of my music.

Is there a step along the way that I missed or something else that I have to enable?

Best Answer

I've installed the coherence plugin as well, and at first I had the exact same behaviour as yours. After a little while, my library had shown up (I use a NAS with Twonky installed).

The one thing that comes to my mind, after enabling media sharing in Windows 7, is that you also have to disable "password protect sharing" in the "sharing" configuration pane for DLNA devices to be able to access Windows Media Player library.