Ubuntu – a2dp bluetooth problem on 14.04


I have a pair of Bose AE2w headphones that initially connect fine with Bluetooth on 14.04. I can select the headphones and choose A2DP output, and everything works.

If the connection times out due to inactivity or from hibernation, and I reactivate the headphones, the Bluetooth connection is re-established, but A2DP does not work only HSP.

Any suggestions on how to fix this problem?

Best Answer

I found this in other tread... it worked for me:

Had the same problem fixed it with:

pactl list cards short

to get the device id. Then I did

pactl set-card-profile x a2dp

where X is your device id.

found it by reading No A2DP streaming audio from 12.04 to Bluetooth headset

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