Ubuntu – a full path name

command linepaths

I would like to understand what full path name really means. I have a file in my home directory called my_script. I assumed the full path name is ./my_script, meaning that it is in the root folder, but I am not sure. Can someone please enlighten me on that?

Best Answer

No, your assumption is wrong. The full path name for my_script file from your home directory is: /home/your_user_name/my_script. When you type ./my_script in terminal you actually try to execute the script (if is executable) and it will be executed only if your current working directory is /home/your_user_name/. To execute the script you can use also the full file path which is, as I said /home/your_user_name/my_script.

It is believed that a UNIX path name looks and feels like Internet addresses, thus result into compatibility. The full path name of the current working directory can be found in terminal by using the following command:


To find out the full path for your user home directory, you can use:

echo ~
echo $HOME
echo /home/$USER

The above three commands are equivalent.

To find out the full path name for a file you can use readlink command. For example, in your case:

cd ~
readlink -f my_script
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