Ubuntu – (16.10) New Nautilus Copy Indicator is Broken


I have a problem similar to this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/1615862
However that bug has been marked as a duplicate to a bug which is not at all my problem, making me think this is a different problem.

I just finished copying some files (at least 5 minutes ago) and my dock still has this ugly thing in it:
nautilus icon with broken progress indicator

Clicking on the Nautilus icon from the picture above, Nautilus immediately opens and looks like this:
"copied finished" is open before I clicked anything

This happens every time I copy files, no matter if it's one file or a folder.

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to make this "Finished Copying" notification go away. Obviously clicking on that checkmark doesn't clear the notification (it does nothing). Navigating to other directories doesn't help, as that small 100% circle button stays, and no matter what I do, the progress bar in the dock is still broken (until an X session restart).

So what is wrong here, or how should I attempt to debug this?

A temporary workaround to bring back the old separate-window copy dialogue would also be appreciated!

EDIT: Bug report is located at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/1633732

Best Answer

I found an ugly way to making it go away but it involves restarting nautilus completely, you have to run nautilus -q in a terminal.

It's the closest thing to a workaround I could figure out and you will loose all of your open windows, but that progress bar in alt+tab and in the icos it's really distracting.

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