snap – How to Fix Snap Not Updating in Ubuntu 22.04

22.04chromiumsnapsoftware installationupdates

ubuntu 22.04. i'm updating all the snaps (snap refresh), but it still shows that chromium needs to be updated (snap refresh –list) and in fact the snap was not updated:

jojo@work:~$ sudo snap refresh
All snaps up to date.
jojo@work:~$ snap refresh --list
Name      Version         Rev   Size   Publisher   Notes
chromium  108.0.5359.124  2254  154MB  canonical✓  -
jojo@work:~$ snap info chromium
name:      chromium
summary:   Chromium web browser, open-source version of Chrome
publisher: Canonical✓
license:   unset
description: |
  An open-source browser project that aims to build a safer, faster, and more
  stable way for all Internet users to experience the web.
  - chromium.chromedriver
  - chromium
snap-id:      XKEcBqPM06H1Z7zGOdG5fbICuf8NWK5R
tracking:     latest/stable
refresh-date: 4 days ago, at 22:02 CET
  latest/stable:    108.0.5359.124 2022-12-14 (2254) 154MB -
  latest/candidate: 108.0.5359.124 2022-12-14 (2254) 154MB -
  latest/beta:      109.0.5414.36  2022-12-09 (2247) 155MB -
  latest/edge:      110.0.5464.2   2022-12-12 (2250) 155MB -
installed:          108.0.5359.94             (2238) 153MB -

so the installed is xxx.94 and latest/stable is xxx.124

why the snap is not updated and how to actually update it?

Best Answer

Try this to update chromium:

sudo snap refresh chromium


sudo snap refresh chromium --channel=latest/stable
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