Issue Updating Snap Store on Ubuntu 23.10 – Troubleshooting Guide


Hello Ask Ubuntu community,

I'm currently running Ubuntu 23.10, and I've encountered an issue while trying to update the Snap Store. Here are the details of the problem:


The Ubuntu Software application notifies me that there is an update available for Snap.
When I go to Ubuntu Software and click on the update button for Snap, I receive an error message stating that"Unable to update "Snap Store": (null): cannot refresh "snap-store": snap "snap-store" has running apps (ubuntu-software), pids: 2098" .The exact error message is not displayed in the terminal.
Steps I've Tried:

I have closed the Ubuntu Software application and retried the update.
I attempted to manually update the Snap Store using the terminal with sudo snap refresh snap-store, but the issue persists.
System Information:

snap 2.60.4+23.10.1
snapd 2.60.4+23.10.1
series 16
ubuntu 23.10
kernel 6.5.0-13-generic

I would appreciate any assistance or insights into resolving this issue. Thank you!

Best Answer

There was an issue over the past day where the previous version of the App Center / Snap Store got pushed out to 23.10 users.

This version is based on GNOME Software, which runs persistently in the background even after the visible application window is closed. To be able to refresh the Snap (and get back to the new App Center), open up your System Monitor app by pressing the Super Key (usually the left Windows key by defaut) and in the search box start to type System Monitor and select from the options provided. Under the Processes tab and in the search box type gnome-software, select it and click on End Process in the bottom left hand corner to kill that process.

You'll probably get a notification within a few seconds that snap-store has successfully refreshed, but if not, sudo snap refresh should confirm that all is now in order.