Firefox – How to Move a Firefox Snap User Profile Back to Home Directory


For a technical reason, I had to switch from Firefox snap back to the traditional Firefox. I used that straightforward guide to accomplish that step.

I then realised that the Firefox snap (installed when I changed to 22.04 a few months ago) moved my original Firefox profile from my home (~/.mozilla) to the snap folder (~/snap/firefox/common/.mozilla). Upon the required removal of the snap package, my profile (even without using --purge) actually was removed as well. I thought there was something wrong but it seems to be the normal behavior of snap remove .... Although I managed to restore my Firefox profile from /var/lib/snapd/snapshots (with snap restore ...) and to copy it manually to ~/.mozilla, starting the traditional Firefox does not seem to make use of that copied profile anymore. I'm used to copying Firefox profiles but here it failed for a reason that is not obvious to me.

Switching back to Firefox snap brings me back to a working configuration. But that is unfortunately not what I want. What do I need to take into account when copying my profile from ~/snap/firefox/common/.mozilla back to ~/.mozilla and use the Firefox deb package?

Best Answer

Make sure no instance of Firefox is running and move the .mozilla folder under ~/snap/firefox/common/ to your home folder.

In recent versions of Firefox, a different install (i.e. the Mozilla APT version instead of the snap) will not automatically pick up your existing profile. First time after the move, start the profile manager (firefox --ProfileManager) and select your profile.