Ubuntu 22.04 – How to Determine Firefox Version


I upgraded my 20.04 Ubuntu 22.04 recently. I opted out of the default "Snap" Firefox, and followed these instructions to replace it with the Firefox maintained in the Mozilla Team PPA repository.

However, I've just done an update & upgrade on my system (I use apt for this instead of the Software Updater), and Firefox looks like it may have reverted to the default "Snap" version. From the Help, About Firefox window I see the statement "Mozilla Firefox for Ubuntu canonical – 1.0" as shown in the screenshot:

Question: How can I tell if I've got the Snap version, or the PPA version?

Please note that I'm not asking how to install it as there are plenty of tutorials, and a Q&A here in SE addressing that. I simply want to know how to verify that I've got the PPA version (or the SNAP version).

enter image description here

Best Answer

One option is to find Firefox process in System Monitor and open its properties. Snap version runs from /snap location with Security Context set. firefox process properties