virtualbox – Xubuntu 9.10 Running on VirtualBox Never Goes Idle

screensavervirtualboxwindows 7xubuntu

On my Windows 7 32bit machine I'm running a VirtualBox instance of Xubuntu 9.10 32bit and I've noticed that the screen saver on the virtual box instance of Xubuntu never becomes active despite setting the timeout to 1 minute.

I also have a Kubuntu 9.10 instance that I also run on VirtualBox on this machine and this does actually become idle and activate the screen saver, locking the session which is the thing that I am trying to achieve.

I'm wondering if there are any suggestions for things to either check or change to get the system to become idle (it's a very bare installation, pretty much just the bare installation and Google Chrome) or whether there is some other method that I could achieve the same effect (have the system lock after 1 minute of inactivity) without relying on the screen saver?

Best Answer

ps x | grep xscreensaver will tell you if the screensaver is running. Just running xscreensaver in a terminal is enough to start it up, if not. The configuration which sets timeout and locking behavior etc. should be customized in $HOME/.xscreensaver

An alternate locking program is xlock.

Just to be clear: xscreensaver should be constantly running if you want your session to auto-lock - it is the program that detects that you have been idle, locks the screen, and displays the screensaver.

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