XAMPP Apache Server on Windows 7 not working


I recently installed XAMPP on my laptop. It installed correctly but the Apache web server won't start – it's a problem with port 80.

It's not caused by Skype, because I don't have it installed. I went through the process of looking for the process ID etc and found it was a system process; when I stopped it the computer crashed.

How do I get the Apache server to work on port 80?

Best Answer

Thanks guys - it was IIS that was running on port 80. I hadn't even installed it so I assume it came with Windows.

I typed in IIS in the search bar, opened it, then stopped everything and now it's working fine. I think it would have been easier if the process could have been called IIS or something similar as opposed to System which is no help at all. Anyway thanks for solving the problem.

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