Word – Wrapping text around full page tables

microsoft word

I have a full page table that I want to position at a particular place in my document, but this is the middle of a paragraph. I can't seem to make Word wrap my paragraph text before / after the table using page breaks, text-wrapping breaks or section breaks, and if I manually cut and paste enough of my text to make it appear on the page after my table then the text before the table isn't justified (the last line doesn't extend all the way to the right margin) – what am I missing to achieve this?!

Best Answer

If adding Shift+Enter at the end of

        paragraph with last line not fully justified

gets you

        paragraph with last line fully justified, but on new page

then try turning off “Widow/Orphan control” for that paragraph.  If that doesn’t help, try applying the Shift+Enter one line up:

        paragraph with last line before page break fully justified

And then can you just move the “Welfare, and secure the” line to page 3?

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