Excel – Working on this Excel workbook causes Excel to freeze for several seconds. Why

microsoft excelperformancespeed

A client of mine has been complaining about a particular Excel workbook (Excel file) that is running very slowly.

Whenever they try to make changes to any of the cells, it takes about 10-20 seconds to make the change. Excel freezes up and becomes unresponsive during this time.

I've tested this file on several different machines to ensure it wasn't a problem with the machine. It runs very slowly on all 3 machines I've tested.

It's a .xls file, meaning it is Excel 97-2003 format.

The workbook doesn't do any calculations or make use of any formulas at all, and cells don't refer to other cells. The workbook is simply used to store tabular data, and contains about 12 worksheets, and is about 4mb in size.

Any ideas on what the problem could be, and how to resolve this issue?


  • I am using Excel 2007. Haven't been able to get hold of earlier versions of Excel to test on.
  • I've managed to narrow the problem down to the latest worksheet in the file/workbook. All the other worksheets are very fast. No problems there.

Best Answer

Have you tried simply copying the worksheets into a new spreadsheet? This fixes many goofy Excel issues.